Matas construction in full swing despite blizzard and hard frost

BAYO.S screws replace concrete for blackening at Matas’ new logistics center
BAYO.S screws replace concrete foundations to stabilize Matas’ new logistics center, which can be completed on time despite the first snowstorm and freezing temperatures of the year.
Over 500 element supports stabilize concrete and steel elements during the assembly phase of Matas’ new 32,000 m2 logistics center, which Amatech is building near Lynge in North Zealand.

500 meters of outlet pipe in soft marsh soil

500 meters of outlet pipe in soft marsh soil The solution was found in a research project with BAYO.S Screw Foundations Rebild Utility installs outlet pipes from basins where bog terrain without load-bearing capacity makes conventional pipe laying impossible. The solution was found in a research project with ground screws. In connection with the installation […]

Screw foundations and racks for solar cells

Ground-mounted solar modules with screw foundation Screw foundations and racks for solar cells BAYO.S can deliver ground-mounted systems in different sizes – from 10 KW to entire solar farms of several MW. We have installed solar modules corresponding to a total capacity of over 700 MW and focus on customizing projects according to customer needs. […]

Building Component Award 2023

Trio behind innovative screw foundations receives the Building Component Award 2023.
It is with great pride and pleasure that we can announce that BAYO.S Screw Foundations is part of the trio that has been awarded the Building Component Award 2023.

DI Lolland-Falsters Initiative Award ’23

BAYO.S Skruefundamenter ApS is a pioneer company that many can be inspired by. They are innovative and have seen the potential of the green transition. In the company’s development, they have been good at reaching out and using many of the offers that exist in relation to business promotion. At the same time, they have a strong focus on their value chain and with their ambitious plans for the future, they are the perfect winner of DI Lolland-Falsters Initiative Award ’23

Part of the “Man On The Moon” project

Our participation in ‘Man On The Moon’ marks the start of an extraordinary 3-year journey towards groundbreaking growth and development. The goals of the project are clear:

– To generate significant revenue and growth for the selected companies. – To implement a new, efficient growth model for small and medium-sized businesses.
– To spread this model to other regions in Denmark to stimulate economic growth and development.

Professional screwdriving and testing equipment

Professional screwdriving and testing equipment For larger projects, we are happy to install the ground screws. We have hand tools that are especially suitable for places with difficult access or sensitive terrain, as well as drilling rigs with the latest specially developed digital measuring equipment. Contact our customer service on tel. +45 72 20 70 […]