DI Lolland-Falsters Initiative Award '23
At BAYO.S, we focus on quality assurance of foundations with screw foundations and thus make a difference to the CO2 balance in construction. The company received on Friday. On November 24, 23, DI Lolland Falster’s Initiative Award was presented.
The award ceremony was attended by Simon Hansen, Mayor of Guldborgsund Municipality, and Jakob Søndergaard Nielsen, Chairman of the Board of DI Lolland-Falster.
– BAYO.S Skruefundamenter ApS is a pioneer company that many can be inspired by. They are innovative and have seen the potential of the green transition. In the company’s development, they have been good at reaching out and using many of the offers that exist in relation to business promotion. At the same time, they have a strong focus on their value chain and with their ambitious plans for the future, they are the perfect winner of DI Lolland-Falster’s Initiative Award ’23, says Jakob Søndergaard Nielsen, Chairman of DI Lolland-Falster
The award is presented as a tribute to the drive, creativity and creativity among the small and medium-sized companies in DI’s membership. It is the board of the regional association in question that appoints the recipient of the Initiative Award. The criteria for the Initiative Prize are:
- The company must not have more than 100 employees
- The company must have created a basis for growth over a number of years through special initiative and drive in sales, technology, education or other areas.
- Emphasis will also be placed on the development of key figures, such as turnover (gross profit), net profit, equity and/or number of employees in recent years.
- The company must be a full member of DI or an associate.
- Read more about our price here.