Sustainable building with BAYO.S
EPD - Environmental Product Declaration
Big CO2 savings with
BAYO.S ground screws
We have verified our EPD documentation, and we can now tell you how muchCO2 you save with a BAYO.S ground screws.
Here we compare a strip foundation with a ground screws for a 135m2 (9 x 15m) house
- The perimeter foundation emits 8,144 kgCO2
- BAYO.S ground screws emits 1,190 kgCO2
You therefore save 85.4%CO2, equivalent to 6,954 kgCO2, with a BAYO.S ground screws.
Width and depth of edge foundation: 0.3×0.9m + 15cm ground cover.
Number of BAYO.S ground screws: 24 pcs.
With BAYO.S, you not only saveCO2, but also money on man-hours and soil removal.
All data is obtained via EPDs available at and 2022-2024. The foundation base is calculated by our engineer and the concrete foundation is adjusted to the lowest standard, using C20/25 SCC for the ground slab and C35/45 SCC for the edge foundation. The soil conditions in this example are set to optimal conditions for both methods. The figures are pure concrete, not reinforcing steel and other materials. Emissions are an equivalent, meaning all greenhouse gases are included, not just carbon dioxide.

Equivalent to 52,700 km
in a gasoline-powered passenger car
or theCO2 emissions of a Danish inhabitant over a year
What is an EPD?
An Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) describes the environmental impact of building materials from start to finish, based on standardized methods. It covers the energy consumption, waste and environmental impact of materials, based on a life cycle assessment (LCA).
There are two types of EPDs: one for specific products and one for entire industries that show average data. EPDs can focus on different stages, from production to disposal.
The EPDs, created from LCA data collected by manufacturers, detail environmental impacts such as global warming and resource consumption. They are prepared and verified by specialists, often external consultants or in-house experts.
What can I use it for?
An EPD helps you choose the best foundation by showing which materials are the most environmentally friendly. You can see this by looking at our EPD document, where under LCA result it says A1-A3, which addresses how muchCO2 is emitted during the production of our screws.
For DIY projects, it tells you how muchCO2 you emit when you use a certain number of kg of screws for e.g. your deck or pavilion project. You do this very simply by multiplying theCO2 emissions by the total weight of the screws you need.
In our example we have writtenCO2, but in reality it is a term calledCO2-eq. This term describes not only the relationship withCO2, but also the relationship with all greenhouse gases. Therefore, the actualCO2 emissions are actually lower, but sinceCO2 is not the only harmful gas, you useCO2-eq. as a term forCO2 emissions + all greenhouse gases.
BAYO.S screw foundations - Lifecycle
The endless screw - Lifecycle
Almost there.
A ground screws from BAYO.S have a very long service life. In fact, you can unscrew the screws and if they are not damaged, they can be reused up to 10 times. With the illustration below you can see the life cycle of the screw; how it is developed and produced, how its use is calculated and how it can be used again and again.
At BAYO.S, we are constantly developing products through research collaborations and lessons learned from previous projects to test new technical solutions and introduce sustainable measures.
The screws are produced at our factory in the Czech Republic, where the screw is cast from recycled steel and screws that do not meet our quality assurance are used for other products or recast to minimize waste.
How to plan
Based on the purpose of the construction project, loads and soil conditions, the optimal number and type of screws are calculated to ensure the right load capacity and lifetime.
Use phase/execution
The screw is installed easily, quickly and vibration-free. Whether it's for permanent or temporary construction projects.
When the screws are no longer needed for the project, they are unscrewed from the ground and recycled.
Depending on their condition, the screws can either be used for other projects or sent for re-melting in our production to give them a new life.
BAYO's work with the UN Sustainable Development Goals
Ground screws and global goals

At BAYO.S Skruefundamenter we work daily with 4 of the 17 SDGs;
- Goal 3 (Well-being & Health)
- Goal 12 (Responsible consumption and production)
- Goal 13 (Climate action)
- Goal 15 (Life on land)
We set goals in different parts of the company and we work towards achieving them. But some goals are further away and harder to reach than others. In 2022, we had a special project in Rødbyhavn to document and prove how our product makes a difference in the construction industry when people want to build and protect nature at the same time. Here, 2,546 ground screws were installed in a swamp where frogs, birds and other wildlife live. But because a ground screws was chosen, the wildlife was able to keep its habitat and all those who visit Hages Badehotel today can enjoy it with a clear conscience.

Nature thrives under and around Hages Badehotel in Rødbyhavn, 2023.
In 2023, a staff association was founded. A foundation to build on for a growing company where the focus is not only on profit but also on people. We are constantly working to develop the physical and mental work environment, and we focus on socializing and engaging our employees.
These are just some of the goals that we have recently taken major steps towards.